Friday, August 01, 2008

Just Call Me Twitterbug

For about a month now I have been Tweeting away on Twitter. I find it quite fun to be able to share small blurbs of genuis with whomever may be looking my way at that moment. The best part of it is the spontaneity because I can Tweet from my cell phone. A simple Tweet can be what I am doing at the moment, but I prefer to write about interesting observations in the world around me, as well as give recommendations on restaurants, books, music or movies. You can find me on Twitter at And, anyone reading my blog decides to sign up for Twitter, let me know what your username is...would love to follow you.

On another note, I am halfway through Eclipse and I am really enjoying it. Learning a little more history about Edward and Jacob's families. I have been on a righteous heavy metal kick lately. I would like to blame this little excursion into the glam hair realm on playing Guitar Hero way too much. But, I have to say one thing for metal, it sure keeps you going at the gym.

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