Friday, January 07, 2005

One Year: The Countdown Begins

Exactly one year from today, my fiance and I will be getting married. In fact, at this moment, we will be preparing to take our first dance as husband and wife. I never thought I would feel so excited until this morning. I had a revelation as I drove into work.

The countdown begins. In the next year, we will plan a wedding and I will complete my final semester of school. Also, before the summer begins, my love will return to Arizona and the long weekends twice a month will end. Our life together will be be back to normal.

I suppose everyone reflects over the last year and then makes resolutions for the year to come. I have so many resolutions and so many plans...but, for me, my year doesn't truly start until May. That is when school will be over and the real planning for my wedding and the rest of my life will start.

The summer already is filled with several projects and my tall book pile awaits hours of leisure time. I look forward to a road trip with my best friend, exploring new parts of the country. So many things--looking for a wedding dress, finalizing caterers, flowers and caterers, and, then, reorganizing my home.

Working on our home...that is something I can't wait to begin. When we moved into our home three years ago, we never were able to find the time to truly organize the house we wanted to...only one week before we moved fiance's mother had passed away after two years of fighting a terminal illness. And, only two days after we moved in our things, I began my master's degree. Every bit of my attention went to school and work. The house had to be put aside for the time being. Summers became times to catch up at work and to do the best we could with the house. But, never could we get the house we wanted it in that short amount of time.

I feel as if I am standing in a long a line, waiting for a magnificent roller coaster. I am impatient as I wait to get to the front of the line and finally sit in one of the seats. The roller coaster is only a few turnstiles away. I can't wait!

I love roller coasters.

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