Monday, January 10, 2005

Crazy Talk

Tonight I just feel like writing with nothing in particular in mind. Perhaps, I have something in mind...hmmm.

Ah, yes.

This morning I was honored enough to attend the Governor's Inter-Faith Prayer Breakfast. Ever since Governor Napolitano took office she has started the legislative session with inter-faith prayer. It is an invitation-only event and I lucky enough to be invited. It was quite beautiful!

I have never been in a room with so many inspirational people. A Hopi woman presented her prayer for the children and it was amazing. I could feel my heart swell. This woman was filled with love, hope, faith and beauty. She was wise and at-peace. I envied her.

Another religious community leader stepped forward. He was from a local Islamic mosque. His singing of the scripture was so melodic. I closed my eyes and it set me in a moment of meditation. The notes swam through my head and I could hear his pleading to God through his voice. That is what a prayer to God should be...a song.

God appears at the most unexpected times for me. The breakfast put me in a wonderful mood for the rest of the day. Perhaps I should always begin my day with a heartfelt prayer? Perhaps I need the Almighty in my life more often than I am willing to admit?

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