Monday, March 02, 2009

Time of Reflection

Last Wednesday was the beginning of Lent. I had been thinking, thinking days before Ash Wednesday about what I was going to give up for forty days. And, of course, I decided on Tuesday that I would give up bread so that I would give up something that would help me lose weight.

While we sat in the pew at church, the smell of wax in the air, I listened to our pastor talk about Lent and the sign of the cross. Lent isn't just about should be about giving back. I knew that this Lent would be the time when I would put aside myself and think about what more I can do for my community. That decision opened up my heart more and I felt something small inside that told me this is what the season is about. Hmmm, can someone say holy spirit? I think so.

I have been journaling about my Lent goal since Wednesday. I am very excited to say that I have done two things so far toward this goal. I am signing up for a Habitat for Humanity project. And, I RSVP'd for volunteer orientation with Free Arts of Arizona -- one of my favorite charities. Thinking about putting up sheetrock in a house and planting flowers for someone who has been dreaming of their own home makes my heart flutter. Looking forward to getting through orientation and the whole process for Free Arts so that I am doing art projects with kids in-need. I am elated and ecstatic for it to begin.

How many more days do I have to go? I have a wonderful feeling about Lent this year. Easter may actually be the rejuvenating time for me that it is meant to be.

I know I don't write too many blog entries about my faith. I think it is because it is such a personal thing for me. It is my heart in many ways. But, tonight I felt inspired to write about how the holy spirit is working in my life at the moment. The Lord truly is great! God Bless everyone.

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