Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Final Stretch

It has been a long time since I have posted. Hopefully there aren't too many people waiting for the next installment of the "Meeting" story. It is sitting and waiting to be posted...I just haven't had the time.

I am in the final stretch. In five weeks, I will graduate from my master's program and my fiance will be home for good. I can't believe it has almost been a year since he went off to New Mexico. It has been the quickest, yet longest year of my life. Between my social life as a "single woman" and my rigorous school schedule, things have been moving at light speef. However, the waiting for my love to come home has been tremendously tedious. I don't want to have to do this again for a long time.

The completion of my thesis project has been laborious and challenging, but so rewarding. I never knew I could accomplish something that has caught the eye of so many people. I think this might possibly be the first time I am actually impressed with myself. I am really proud of the product that has resulted from this effort. I am planning on entering my project into a contest. My professor is sure I will win the cash prize. I will just be happy if it gets some attention--no need to win the grand prize. The best part of this project is that so many people who are special to me have contributed to its has become a wonderful memento of the people I love. What could be a better way of ending a degree program?

Well, since I am writing my blog from work, I should probably get back to my department budget and abandon my blog. Look for the next part of "Meeting."


Anonymous said...

So, when are you going to post your next installment of The Meeting? Are we going to get a refresher on what happened previously? Is there going to be a reference to fantasy auto racing? Is Rory going to pay more attention to his phone than Beth? Like that would ever happen in real life :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous! If you need a refresher just scroll down you dumbass!